Saturday, December 8, 2007

Do you have what it takes to grow Rich?

1. Do you have a desire to learn?

2. Do you have a positive attitude?

3. Are you willing to make an effort?

4. Do you have written goals and the desire to achieve them?

5. Do you have modest spending habits?

6. Do you only buy assets that appreciate in value?

7. Do you save at least 10 per cent of your income?

8. Do you see advice but do not blindly follow it?

9. Do you behave according to your own standards rather than the standards of others?

10. Are you always looking for an opportunity to make and save more money?

When you can answer yes to all of these questions then you will be on a growth path to riches.

How Much is Enough?

The cynic will argue that there is no end to an apparent lust for wealth. If someone pursues wealth simply as a means of keeping score, then sure, the critics are probably right. If, however, achievement is for the sake of freedom, then clearly the criticism should be rejected. Wealth gives us freedom from hard work, freedom from the inevitability of the 40 hour week, freedom to pursue new interest, and freedom from the reliance on other people. The ultimate objective of each of us must surely be to spend as much of our precious and limited time on the things that we prefer to do. With this in mind, your ultimate objective must be to buy independence, just as the slaves had to buy theirs. Money is a key that releases the shackles of slavery.

But beware, you must set your own STOP point. That is the monetary level at which you are prepared to stop work and feed on the fruits of your investment.

Keeping Things In Perspective

You do not need me to tell you that you that there is more to life than money. While money is important (and the lack of it even more important) there are many other things in life equally as important. Health, family, friendship, belief in your own abilities, a healthy mental attitude and financial security are all fundamental to a full and happy life.

You should focus on each of these six areas because each is as essential as the other. It is critical that while achieving financial success, the other five areas are not neglected. How many times have you heard of a successful business person who has neglected their marriage, their children, their health, or their friendships?

The blog WISH TO RICH is not about a greedy pursuit of wealth. We all know that money will not buy happiness - but neither does poverty. Money is the key that can release you from the monotony of life and a dependence on others. With financial security you have the freedom to pursue a more balanced and enjoyable life. Our existence is fleetingly brief – money allows us to enjoy it.

The Four Steps To Financial Success

1. Establish a measurable financial goal, being the minimum lump sum of capital that will return a permanent flow of income.

2. Place a specific time frame on the achievement of that goal.

3. Develop a strategy on how the goal is going to be achieved within the time frame.

4. Progress in a steady manner towards the achievement of that goal.

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